研 發 叢 書 介 紹
書籍編號 R-CS-03-02
書名 Development Neural Networks for Seismic Safety Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
著作人 Y.L.Mo Chyuan-Hwan Jeng Jianxia Zhong
價格 970
There are three main subjects in this book: finite fiber element analysis (FFEA) for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete (RC/PC) frame structures, application of artificial neural networks (ANN) to seismic evaluation of pretressed concrete (PC) bridges, and development of finite-element (FE) software using object-oriented programming (OOP). This research demonstrates the feasibility of the employed methodology, the application of which can be extended to other concrete frames or bridges.
The integrating theme behind the three subjects may be best interpreted in terms of the model-based simulation (MBS) initiative proposed by national science foundation. In addition to investigation into the three specific subjects, the research as a whole can be viewed as a manifestation of MBS.

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