System Integration Technical Service Export Conference Coming to a Perfect Conclusion
Taiwanese government actively promotes engineering industry's internationalization and system integration technical service export policy, but oversea biddings are highly competitive. Companies face insufficient information transparency, learning about the announced case often after it is too late, lacking awareness of local regulations/policy/culture, political/diplomatic tussle, unaffordable deposit amount, and difficulty in long-term localized service. These cause the loss of competitive edge and overly risky compliance. To help the System Integration Promotion Alliance (SIPA) Project Office at MOEA'S Industrial Development Bureau, Sinotech convened System Integration Technical Service Export Conference, inviting officials from Taiwan's various related organizations and enterprises to understand the items requiring government assistance and counseling. The recommendations from this conference to the government are as follows:

1.Producing multi-language promotional multimedia clips regarding system integration technical service export.
2.System integration technical service export strategy should be made from user's perspective, and not the vendor's, to be effective.
3.Provide companies with one-stop service to expand oversea business and overall information platform of every country's regulations and policies.
4.TAITRA's international business information platform should reinforce exchange of such information, such as allowing companies to upload/share business information.
5.Assist companies to fully possess information before oversea bidding announcement.
6.Assist companies to finance oversea projects, especially encouraging Taiwanese banks to expand oversea in concert with the bidding.
7.The Export-Import Bank of the ROC has limited oversea financing amount, unable to meet the demand of system integration technical service export.
8.Assist companies to match with local businesses and in future long-term localized service.
9.Arrange local students for internship in the Taiwanese companies.
10.Taiwanese government's purchasing system is overly conservative and should adjust in concert with the policy of exporting entire plant oversea.
Sinotech has compiled related suggestions and submitted to the System Integration Promotion Alliance (SIPA) Project Office at MOEA'S Industrial Development Bureau for future reference.